About Us

Just your average guy! When I begun my journey of indoor cultivation during the final era of prohibition, resources and reliable information were considered unattainable luxuries, as legacy cultivators had a strict code of OPerational SECurity, through their own trial and error developed production methods in near secret. Peer reviewed research was inaccessible, and tightly controlled.
Using archaic internet forums to find only conflicting half truths and pseudo-science , I set out to absorb as much scientific literature about cultivation as I possibly could, and in the process, began to disseminate that information to you, in a way that was easy to understand, easy to execute and offered immediate value to YOUR garden! And from it, SharkMouse Farms was born!
Today, with more than 100,000 of you optimizing your spaces with us, through vetted scientific data, we continue to pursue the best cultivation practices biologically possible, and have built a foundational network of experience, expert partners, a massive resource database, tools, cultivation courses and operating procedures to help elevate your educational experience so YOU can MAXIMIZE your potential!
Tanks for jumping in with us.